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Produits Prix ($)
IN PERSON OR Perioperative Certification and Practice Exam 110,00 $
IN PERSON PC Palliative Care Certification and Practice Exam 110,00 $
IN PERSON PD Pediatric Certification and Practice Exam 110,00 $
IN PERSON PR Perinatal Certification and Practice Exam 110,00 $
REMOTE CCA Critical Care Adult Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $
REMOTE CCP Critical Care Pediatric Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $
REMOTE CM Community Health Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $
REMOTE CV Cardiovascular Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $
REMOTE ER Emergency Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $
REMOTE ET(WO) Wound, Ostomy and Continence Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $
REMOTE GN LPN Gerontological Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $
REMOTE GR Gerontological Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $
REMOTE MH Psychiatric and Mental Health Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $
REMOTE MN LPN Medical Surgical Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $
REMOTE MS Medical Surgical Certification and Practice Exam 85,00 $